Saturday, January 23, 2021

Car cost & environmental impact widget

This NYT article points to this online app, an exploration of the long-term costs of various cars and their environmental impacts. One big takeaway that although up-front costs are higher for many electric vehicles (EVs), they are a lot cheaper to maintain and fuel than gas-powered vehicles. Of course the price of gas is going to be part of that calculation, but surprisingly it doesn't change things too much. (Click on the "Customize" button at the top to put in your own gas price.) It's pretty hard to get folks past the sticker shock and into seeing the full price of their purchases- kind of like the economics of printer ink!

On a related note, Biden has apparently signed a few executive actions that will promote electric vehicles. This could mean lots of American jobs, though unions grouse that gas-powered vehicles are better- because they require more assembly. Analysts duly note that EVs require more jobs throughout the longer supply chains, though the assembly time may actually be quicker (and hence require fewer employees).