“Where Has All the Water Gone?” highlights the eminent dangers of a diminishing fresh water supply on the planet. Although the Earth’s surface is mostly covered by water, only a tiny fraction of that water is potable, or available for human drinking needs. Because of the sheer size and demand of the global population for water, it is being diminished at an alarming rate.
The depletion of the World’s freshwater has already proven to be a plague for populations living in water stress and scarcity conditions. More than two billion people on the planet live without access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation. Therefore, many, especially children, die from waterborne diseases every year. The annual death toll from diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever is estimated to be higher than the total from HIV/AIDS, war, famine, and traffic accidents combined. In the United States, the freshwater situation is becoming increasingly severe. Every day the catastrophe becomes more of a reality, and as politicians and the mass media ignore it, the human race sinks deeper into a grave situation.
--Fred Teasley